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An instance of Jim holds all the Jim-specific state of the editor: the current command, the current mode, the values of all the registers, etc. It also holds a reference to the adaptor that is doing its bidding in the editor. Commands are passed an instance of Jim when they are executed which allows them to change Jim's state and manipulate the editor (through the @adaptor).

Keymap     = require './keymap'
{GoToLine} = require './motions'

class Jim
  @VERSION: '0.2.0-pre'

  constructor: (@adaptor) ->
    @command = null
    @registers = {}
    @keymap = Keymap.getDefault()
    @setMode 'normal'

  modes: require './modes'

Change Jim's mode to modeName with optional modeState:

jim.setMode 'visual', linewise: yes
  setMode: (modeName, modeState) ->
    console.log 'setMode', modeName, modeState if @debugMode
    prevMode = @mode
    if modeName is prevMode?.name
      return unless modeState
      @mode[key] = value for own key, value of modeState
      @mode = modeState or {}
      @mode.name = modeName
    @adaptor.onModeChange? prevMode, @mode

    switch prevMode?.name
      when 'insert'

Get info about what was inserted so the insert "remembers" how to repeat itself.

        @lastCommand.repeatableInsert = @adaptor.lastInsert()

      when 'replace'
        @adaptor.setOverwriteMode off

Pressing escape blows away all the state.

  onEscape: ->
    @setMode 'normal'
    @command = null
    @commandPart = '' # just in case...

When a key is pressed, let the current mode figure out what to do about it.

  onKeypress: (keys) -> @modes[@mode.name].onKeypress.call this, keys

Delete the selected text and put it in the default register.

  deleteSelection: (exclusive, linewise) ->
    @registers['"'] = @adaptor.deleteSelection exclusive, linewise

Yank the selected text into the default register.

  yankSelection: (exclusive, linewise) ->
    @registers['"'] = @adaptor.selectionText exclusive, linewise
    @adaptor.clearSelection true

module.exports = Jim