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This is a pretty standard key-to-command keymap except for a few details:

  • It has some built-in Vim-like smarts about the concepts of motions and operators and if/how they should be available in each mode
  • It differentiates between invalid commands (gz) and partial commands (g)
class Keymap

Building a Keymap

Build an instance of Keymap with all the default keymappings.

  @getDefault: ->
    keymap = new Keymap
    keymap.mapCommand keys, commandClass for own keys, commandClass of require('./commands').defaultMappings
    keymap.mapOperator keys, operationClass for own keys, operationClass of require('./operators').defaultMappings
    keymap.mapMotion keys, motionClass for own keys, motionClass of require('./motions').defaultMappings

  constructor: ->
    @commands = {}
    @motions = {}
    @visualCommands = {}

Use some objects to de-duplicate repeated partial commands.

    @partialCommands = {}
    @partialMotions = {}
    @partialVisualCommands = {}

Mapping commands

Map the comandClass to the keys sequence. Map it as a visual command as well if the class has a ::visualExec.

  mapCommand: (keys, commandClass) ->
    if commandClass::exec
      @commands[keys] = commandClass
      if keys.length is 2
        @partialCommands[keys[0]] = true
    if commandClass::visualExec
      @visualCommands[keys] = commandClass
      if keys.length is 2
        @partialVisualCommands[keys[0]] = true

Map motionClass to the keys sequence.

  mapMotion: (keys, motionClass) ->
    @commands[keys] = motionClass
    @motions[keys] = motionClass
    @visualCommands[keys] = motionClass
    if keys.length is 2
      @partialMotions[keys[0]] = true
      @partialCommands[keys[0]] = true
      @partialVisualCommands[keys[0]] = true

Map operatorClass to the keys sequence.

  mapOperator: (keys, operatorClass) ->
    @commands[keys] = operatorClass
    @visualCommands[keys] = operatorClass
    if keys.length is 2
      @partialCommands[keys[0]] = true
      @partialVisualCommands[keys[0]] = true

Finding commands in the Keymap

commandFor, motionFor, and visualCommandFor are defined for finding their respective Command types. Each of these methods will return one of the following:

  • true if the commandPart passed in is a valid partial command. For example, Keymap.getDefault().commandFor('g') will return true because it is the first part of what could be the valid command gg, among others.
  • false if the commandPart is not a valid partial or complete command.
  • A Command if the commandPart is a valid, complete command. The Command will have it's count populated if commandPart includes a count.

Build a regex that will help us split up the commandPart in each of the following methods. The regex will match any key sequence, splitting it into the following captured groups:

  1. The preceding count
  2. The command/motion/operator
  3. Any chars beyond a partial command/motion/operator. If this group captures anything, we can stop accepting keystrokes for the command and execute it if it's valid.
  buildPartialCommandRegex = (partialCommands) ->
        [#{(char for own char, nothing of partialCommands).join ''}]?

Find a normal mode command, which could be a motion, an operator, or a "regular" normal mode command.

  commandFor: (commandPart) ->
    @partialCommandRegex or= buildPartialCommandRegex @partialCommands
    [commandPart, count, command, beyondPartial] = commandPart.match @partialCommandRegex

    if beyondPartial
      if commandClass = @commands[command]
        new commandClass(parseInt(count) or null)

Find a motion.

  motionFor: (commandPart, operatorPending) ->
    @partialMotionRegex or= buildPartialCommandRegex @partialMotions
    [commandPart, count, motion, beyondPartial] = commandPart.match @partialCommandRegex

    if beyondPartial
      if motion is operatorPending

If we're finding cc, yy, etc, we return a "fake" linewise command.

        {LinewiseCommandMotion} = require './motions'
        new LinewiseCommandMotion(parseInt(count) or null)

      else if motionClass = @motions[motion]
        new motionClass(parseInt(count) or null)

Find a visual mode command, which could be a motion, an operator, or a "regular" visual mode command.

  visualCommandFor: (commandPart) ->
    @partialVisualCommandRegex or= buildPartialCommandRegex @partialVisualCommands
    [commandPart, count, command, beyondPartial] = commandPart.match @partialVisualCommandRegex

    if beyondPartial
      if commandClass = @visualCommands[command]
        new commandClass(parseInt(count) or null)


module.exports = Keymap