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Each mode handles key presses a bit differently. For instance, typing an operator in visual mode immediately operates on the selected text. In normal mode Jim waits for a motion to follow the operator. All of the modes' keyboard handling is defined here.

Each mode's onkeypress is executed in the context of an instance of Jim. In normal and visual mode the current @commandPart is the current part of the command that's being typed. For an operation, the operator is one part and the motion is another. @commandPart can one of the following:

  • {count}command
  • {count}motion
  • {count}operator
  • chars expected to follow a command (e.g. when r is pressed, the next @commandPart will be the char that's used as the replacement)
{MoveLeft, MoveDown} = require './motions'

Shame the user in the console for not knowing their Jim commands.

invalidCommand = (type = 'command') ->
  console.log "invalid #{type}: #{@commandPart}"

Normal mode (a.k.a. "command mode")

exports.normal =
  onKeypress: (keys) ->
    @commandPart = (@commandPart or '') + keys

    if not @command
      command = @keymap.commandFor @commandPart

      if command is false
        invalidCommand.call this
      else if command isnt true
        if command.isOperation

Hang onto the pending operator so that double-operators can recognized (cc, yy, etc).

          [@operatorPending] = @commandPart.match /[^\d]+$/

        @command = command
        @commandPart = ''
    else if @command.constructor.followedBy

If we've got a command that expects a key to follow it, check if @commandPart is what it's expecting.

      if @command.constructor.followedBy.test @commandPart
        @command.followedBy = @commandPart
        console.log "#{@command} didn't expect to be followed by \"#{@commandPart}\""

      @commandPart = ''
    else if @command.isOperation
      if regex = @command.motion?.constructor.followedBy

If we've got a motion that expects a key to follow it, check if @commandPart is what it's expecting.

        if regex.test @commandPart
          @command.motion.followedBy = @commandPart
          console.log "#{@command} didn't expect to be followed by \"#{@commandPart}\""

        motion = @keymap.motionFor @commandPart, @operatorPending

        if motion is false
          invalidCommand.call this, 'motion'
        else if motion isnt true

Motions need a reference to the operation they're a part of since it sometimes changes the amount of text they move over (e.g. cw deletes less text than dw).

          motion.operation = @command

          @command.motion = motion
          @operatorPending = null
          @commandPart = ''

Execute the command if it's complete, otherwise wait for more keys.

    if @command?.isComplete()
      @command.exec this
      @lastCommand = @command if @command.isRepeatable
      @command = null

Visual mode

exports.visual =
  onKeypress: (newKeys) ->
    @commandPart = (@commandPart or '') + newKeys

    if not @command
      command = @keymap.visualCommandFor @commandPart

      if command is false
        invalidCommand.call this
      else if command isnt true
        @command = command
        @commandPart = ''
    else if @command.constructor.followedBy

If we've got a motion that expects a key to follow it, check if @commandPart is what it's expecting.

      if @command.constructor.followedBy.test @commandPart
        @command.followedBy = @commandPart
        console.log "#{@command} didn't expect to be followed by \"#{@commandPart}\""
      @commandPart = ''

    wasBackwards = @adaptor.isSelectionBackwards()

Operations are always "complete" in visual mode.

    if @command?.isOperation or @command?.isComplete()
      if @command.isRepeatable

Save the selection's "size", which will be used if the command is repeated.

        @command.selectionSize = if @mode.name is 'visual' and @mode.linewise
          [minRow, maxRow] = @adaptor.selectionRowRange()
          lines: (maxRow - minRow) + 1
        @command.linewise = @mode.linewise

        @lastCommand = @command

      @command.visualExec this
      @command = null

If we haven't changed out of characterwise visual mode and the direction of the selection changes, we have to make sure that the anchor character stays selected.

    if @mode.name is 'visual' and not @mode.linewise
      if wasBackwards
        @adaptor.adjustAnchor -1 if not @adaptor.isSelectionBackwards()
        @adaptor.adjustAnchor 1 if @adaptor.isSelectionBackwards()

Other modes

Insert and replace modes just pass all keystrokes through (except <esc>).

exports.insert = onKeypress: -> true
exports.replace = onKeypress: -> true