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An operator followed by a motion is an Operation. For example, ce changes all the text to the end of the current word since c is the change operator and e is a motion that moves to the end of the word.

{Command} = require './helpers'
{GoToLine, MoveToFirstNonBlank} = require './motions'

The default key mappings are specified alongside the definitions of each Operation. Accumulate the mappings so they can be exported.

defaultMappings = {}
map = (keys, operationClass) -> defaultMappings[keys] = operationClass

Define the base class for all operations.

class Operation extends Command
  constructor: (@count = 1, @motion) ->
    @motion.operation = this if @motion
  isOperation: true
  isComplete: -> @motion?.isComplete()
  switchToMode: 'normal'

Adjust the selection, if needed, and operate on that selection.

  visualExec: (jim) ->
    if @linewise
    else if not @motion?.exclusive

    @operate jim

    jim.setMode @switchToMode

Select the amount of text that the motion moves over and operate on that selection.

  exec: (jim) ->
    @startingPosition = jim.adaptor.position()
    if @count isnt 1
      @motion.count *= @count
      @count = 1
    @linewise ?= @motion.linewise
    @motion.exec jim
    @visualExec jim

Change the selected text or the text that @motion moves over (i.e. delete the text and switch to insert mode).

map 'c', class Change extends Operation
  visualExec: (jim) ->

If we're repeating a Change, insert the text that was inserted now that we've deleted the selected text.

    if @repeatableInsert
      jim.adaptor.insert @repeatableInsert.string
      jim.setMode 'normal'

If we're executing this Change for the first time, set a flag so that an undo mark can be pushed onto the undo stack before any text is inserted.

      jim.afterInsertSwitch = true

  operate: (jim) ->

If we're changing a linewise selection or motion, move the end of the previous line so that the cursor is left on an open line once the lines are deleted.

    jim.adaptor.moveToEndOfPreviousLine() if @linewise

    jim.deleteSelection @motion?.exclusive, @linewise

  switchToMode: 'insert'

Delete the selection or the text that @motion moves over.

map 'd', class Delete extends Operation
  operate: (jim) ->
    jim.deleteSelection @motion?.exclusive, @linewise
    new MoveToFirstNonBlank().exec jim if @linewise

Yank into a register the selection or the text that @motion moves over.

map 'y', class Yank extends Operation
  operate: (jim) ->
    jim.yankSelection @motion?.exclusive, @linewise
    jim.adaptor.moveTo @startingPosition... if @startingPosition

Indent the lines in the selection or the text that @motion moves over.

map '>', class Indent extends Operation
  operate: (jim) ->
    [minRow, maxRow] = jim.adaptor.selectionRowRange()
    new GoToLine(minRow + 1).exec jim

Outdent the lines in the selection or the text that @motion moves over.

map '<', class Outdent extends Operation
  operate: (jim) ->
    [minRow, maxRow] = jim.adaptor.selectionRowRange()
    new GoToLine(minRow + 1).exec jim

module.exports = {Change, Delete, defaultMappings}